
Unwind, Reset. Restore, Revive.

Indulge in the pinnacle of relaxation and rejuvenation at 7 Elements Spa, where our skilled massage therapists are poised to transport you to a world of tranquility and bliss. Nestled in the lap of opulence, our therapist's expert touch will melt away your stress and tensions, leaving you with a profound sense of well-being. From soothing Swedish massages to invigorating deep tissue treatments, each session is a bespoke experience, tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Unwind, rejuvenate, and let the cares of the world fade away as you embark on a journey of pure serenity with our exceptional massage therapist. Your path to unparalleled relaxation begins here.

À la carte Services


Indulge in the art of pure relaxation with our exquisite Swedish massage. Our expert therapists have mastered the delicate balance of soothing, rhythmic strokes, designed to transport you to a state of tranquility and profound well-being. Feel tension and muscle aches melt away as you immerse yourself in the perfect harmony of luxury and serenity. The Swedish massage is more than just a treatment; it's an escape into a world of refined pampering, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace life's pleasures. Elevate your well-being and experience the pinnacle of comfort with our Swedish massage.

Hot Stone

Soothe your senses and melt away tension with our Hot Stone massage. Our skilled therapists seamlessly blend the healing power of warm, smooth stones with expert massage techniques to create an exquisite symphony of relaxation and rejuvenation. The gentle heat of the stones penetrates deep into your muscles, easing stress and promoting profound healing. As you surrender to the comforting warmth and expert touch, you'll find yourself transported to a realm of serenity and opulence. Elevate your well-being and indulge in a sanctuary where every moment is a masterpiece of comfort and luxury, with the Hot Stone massage as your key to pure bliss and ultimate relaxation.

Deep Tissue

Experience the ultimate in relaxation and rejuvenation with the Deep Tissue massage at. Our skilled therapists are masters in the art of relieving deep-seated muscle tension and addressing chronic aches and pains. With precision and expertise, they use firm, therapeutic pressure to access the deepest layers of muscle, promoting profound healing and relaxation. Indulge in a sanctuary of tranquility and opulence, as the stresses of life fade away, leaving you feeling revitalized and ready to savor life's pleasures. Elevate your well-being and embark on a journey of pure serenity with the Deep Tissue massage, where every moment is a masterpiece of comfort and luxury.

Lomi Lomi

Embark on a journey of pure bliss with the Lomi Lomi massage. This ancient Hawaiian healing art, performed by our skilled practitioners, is a symphony of soothing and rhythmic movements that will transport you to a state of profound relaxation and rejuvenation. Lomi Lomi is more than a massage; it's an exquisite dance of body and spirit, promoting harmony and balance within. As you surrender to the gentle waves of touch, tension and stress dissolve, leaving you refreshed and ready to embrace life's pleasures. Experience the pinnacle of well-being and unwind in a sanctuary of opulence and serenity, where every moment is an extraordinary escape into comfort and luxury.

Pre Natal

Celebrate the beautiful journey of motherhood with our nurturing Pre-Natal massage. Crafted specifically for expectant mothers, our skilled therapists provide gentle and soothing care to alleviate the aches and strains that often accompany pregnancy. In a serene sanctuary of opulence and comfort, you'll find relief and relaxation as our expert touch eases tension, improves circulation, and nurtures your well-being. This exquisite experience ensures that every moment of your pregnancy is filled with tranquility and bliss, creating a precious memory on your path to motherhood. Embrace the care and luxury you deserve with our Pre-Natal massage, where every touch is a celebration of you and your growing family.


Thursday - Saturday 10am - 6pm

All Other Times

We aim to please and work hard to accommodate most requests with reasonable prior notice

(360) 922 0091




Become a member

Elevate your well-being with our exclusive membership options. With our Refresh Membership, you'll enjoy the luxury of one appointment per month, allowing you to indulge in our expertly crafted massage, skincare, or nail care services. For those seeking the ultimate in self-care, our Revitalize Membership offers two appointments per month, giving you the opportunity to escape into a realm of pure relaxation more frequently. Whether you're looking to refresh your senses or revitalize your spirit, our memberships provide the perfect balance of comfort, opulence, and rejuvenation, ensuring that you prioritize your wellness in style and luxury. Join us in this journey of self-indulgence and elevate your well-being to new heights.

(360) 922-0091

Refresh Membership

$112 per month

One 60-minute treatment per month

Swedish Massage*

Signature Facial*

Hydrating Pedi/Basic Mani* (or vice versa)

Free Session Add-On

Massage: Back scrub, foot scrub

Facial: Hand scrub, BT sonic scrub, high-frequency

Free Basic Nail Art or French Tip

*Upgrade to a different service for an additional fee.

Revitalize Membership

$225 per month

Two 60-minute treatments per month

Swedish Massage*

Signature Facial*

Hydrating Pedi/Basic Mani* (or vice versa)

10% off retail products

Free Session Add-On

Massage: Back scrub, foot scrub

Facial: Hand scrub, BT sonic scrub, high-frequency

Free Basic Nail Art or French Tip

*Upgrade to a different service for an additional fee.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my appointment?
Wear or bring comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in. Check your email and complete our intake form which asks for contact information, health status, and medications.

I need to reschedule my appointment, how can I do that?
You can reschedule using our online scheduling system, Jane. You will be able to see upcoming appointments and an option to reschedule or cancel appointments. You can also call us to reschedule. The skincare phone number is (360) 230-8870.

Do you accept insurance?
We are currently not contracted with any insurance companies. You may request a superbill to send to your insurance company if you have out-of-network coverage.

What is a superbill?
A superbill is a form that provides information on the services you received. You can send this form to your insurance company if you have out-of-network coverage. Please let us know when you leave if you would like us to send you a superbill.

What are the 7 elements of wellness?
The 7 Elements of Wellness encompass one’s Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Occupational and Environmental state of being. At 7 Elements, we are committed to helping you improve your 7 Elements of Wellness through personalized treatment plans, one-on-one hands on treatments, guided movement patterns, and a tailored spa experience to help you find your active life, healthy body, and peaceful mind.